How To Add 15-20 Highly-qualified sales calls every single month on a pay-per-meeting basis by utilizing a predictable AI Outbound Infrastructure

How To Add 15-20 Highly-qualified sales calls every single month on a pay-per-meeting basis by utilizing a predictable AI Outbound Infrastructure

How To Add 15-20 Highly-qualified sales calls every single month on a pay-per-meeting basis by utilizing a predictable AI Outbound Infrastructure

…without relying on RFPs & Referrals

…without relying on RFPs & Referrals

…without relying on RFPs & Referrals

Exclusively for Leaders of B2B Companies

How To Add 15-20 Highly-qualified sales calls every single month on a pay-per-meeting basis by utilizing a predictable AI Outbound Infrastructure

…without relying on RFPs & Referrals

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Yes! Implement this system for my business


Long-term players should have long-term partnerships.

Time Investement

Payment Terms

Results Incentivized

Long-Term Relationship and Commitment

Paid ads


Paid Before Call

Payment required regardless of results

Transactional, focused on short-term gains



Paid Per Call

Fixed or hourly rates, independent of outcomes

Contract-based, might not prioritize long-term success


Pay after you close the deal

Payment based on a percentage of the results, ensuring alignment with your success

Focused on long-term success and sustained growth

Success Stories

Customer story

“Our growth no longer necessitates the recruitment and education of additional design professionals”

“Our growth no longer necessitates the recruitment and education of additional design professionals”

“Our growth no longer necessitates the recruitment and education of additional design professionals”

“Our growth no longer necessitates the recruitment and education of additional design professionals”

Johnny Seedapple

CEO Roda Logistics

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

What's The Cost?

Where do you get the prospect’s information?

I thought email marketing was dead?

What if it doesn't work?

What do you need from us?

How long does it take to get started?

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Yes! Implement this system for my business

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